The innovative, flexible and reusable floor guidance system.
Conventional floor guidance systems are expensive, complex and do not adapt - even if your facility changes. With the innovative floor guidance system TAKTILo you have the opportunity to at any time to your needs to adapt.
You can choose from various high-contrast combinations of floor indicators and carrier material.
TAKTILo can be cleaned with water and can be re-laid several times immediately.
TAKTILo can be installed indoors on many surfaces without much effort.
TAKTILo can be easily removed from the floor without leaving any residue.
Would you like to test TAKTILo yourself or request a quote? Contact us and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
TACTILE to the destination
Do you have questions and aren't sure which product is right for you? Get in touch. We'll help you implement your requirements.