Steps & stair markings

Steps & stair edge markings

Vier grau gesprenkelte Treppenstufen, mit schwarzen Markierungen.
Eine Treppe mit gläsernem Treppengeländer und mit weißen Stufenmarkierungen führt in den Eingangsbereich. Der Ausgang kann von der Treppe über ein Bodenleitsystem erreicht werden.
Vier weiße Treppenstufen mit schwarzen Treppenmarkierungen

Prevent falls on stairs with marking tapes

Falls down stairs pose a serious risk - especially for blind and visually impaired people. With step markings you can significantly increase safety on your stairs.

Our marking tapes significantly reduce the risk of slipping on the steps and also increase the required visibility of the step edges. Our marking tapes are available in different colors, lengths and widths.

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Markierungsbänder in den Farben weiß, gelb, rot, grün, blau und schwarz

Improve safety with marking tapes

  • Slip resistance R11
  • Comply with standards for barrier-free construction
  • Durable material with very good grip
  • Suitable for all interior building areas

Marking profiles

A complex milling process ensures optimal tactile feel for blind and visually impaired people.

Color-contrasting stair markings incorporated into anodized carrier material give us the necessary contrast to the floor covering. The profiles applied by gluing or screwing correspond to the slip resistance R10 - R13.

Our team will be happy to advise you on the subject of step markings.

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Ein schwarzes Treppenkantenprofil
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